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Welcome, I’m glad you’re here. Lets dive in.

We are nature. Read that again, slowly, and let it sink in. WE ARE NATURE.

In truth, everything is nature. We are all stitched together from stardust and space. All of it— feather and fur, scale and skin, flower and branch, deep roots and towering trunks, glistening eyes and gossamer wings, stones and water and wind and flame, the snowflakes dancing in the winter storm and the sunbeams casting rainbows in the spring. All of this, and more — everything is nature.

This means that everything, everywhere, is connected. When we sit in stillness and silence, with peace in our minds and hearts, this truth starts to become clear. It is a memory held within every cell of our bodies, and within every cell of every other being on this planet.

Please know. I do not claim to be a teacher, a healer, a shaman or a medicine person. I am not here to heal you. I am not here to teach you how to serve tea. I am not the holder of any secret knowledge or ancient wisdom. What I do offer is a safe space away from the commotion of the loud and busy world to begin to curate your own deep connection to self and to nature. I will pour the water, but your own soul must guide you from there.


My Path

I have always felt more connected to the natural world than to the human. From a young age, I preferred the company of animals and plants to people - the touch of the ocean and the caress of the wind, the feel of a carpet of moss and the dizzying spaciousness of wide open prairie skies. I have found true companions in the forests and fields, I learned to sing with the birds, commune with bees and listen to the stories of the trees.

Western society is not built for people who talk to trees, as I had to learn, but something has been shifting recently. The collective consciousness feels more open now than it ever has in my lifetime. People seem to be openly and actively seeking alternatives to our current cultural ways of being in the world - maybe that’s why you’re here. In that case, I’m grateful you’ve found me.

This is often the space where people try to convince potential clients that they alone are qualified to teach you, help you, heal you, and that only they can provide you with whatever it is they think you need to grow into your fullest and most actualized self. That they, and somehow only they, have the magic combination of weekend trainings or year-long retreat experience or time spent with such-and-such a guru or revered teacher that makes them qualified above everyone else to handle your spiritual awakening, growth, or healing.  

True awakening, growth and healing (Self, Spirit and Soul) comes from within - end of sentence. You do not need a guide, guru, teacher, or anyone else to do the work of soul awakening. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is selling something. Be wary.

To be as clear as possible: I am not offering any secret knowledge, I am merely holding a quiet space for the wisdom of Nature inherent within everyone to be able to come to the surface. I am not the magic, the messenger nor the teacher. I am here to curate the container, pour the water, and be of service as a listener. Nothing beyond that is within my control, nor should it be.